Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Vintage Haul #1

So I was in Hastings on Thursday for my drivers test, and as I was driving around getting familiar with the area, I noticed that there were a ton of adorable antique shops along their main street by the big bridge. 

Anyone who knows me, knows that I like to go antiquing. Call me an old lady, I already talk like my grandpa. 

As one can guess, my driver's test didn't end well... The solution? Retail therapy!!!

We first stopped into a little shop called Gracie & Me, where my mom was on the hunt for a birthday present for my grandma. She scored big, of course! And I found a little pink vase ($2.50) that I thought would look cute on my vanity (comment below for a DIY makeup brush holder!!) 

On my way out, I spotted this phone that was too insanely cute...

This phone is dated 1973, and it came in 3 colors. Best part? It still works!!! It was priced at $36, but when I hesitated on the purchase, the nice Lady working offered 5 dollars off... So how could I resist??

Then, the shop next door had a little chalk board saying "20-40% off" so of course I couldn't resist.

I walked in and turned a corner, and saw this dress on an iron dress form. 

My mom thought it was for display, so I searched for a tag and asked the nice old man (who looked great for being 80 years old) if I could try it on. I tried it on, it fit like a glove, so. 

The price was originally $20, but he said with the extra 40% off, it was $12. 
Another thing I found unique about this dress is that I'm pretty sure it's homemade. There is no brand or store tag, and the inner lining isn't perfectly stitched to the dress. I'm not exactly sure what time this style was popular either, any guesses?? 

The only formal ish purse I have is black, and more flapper style than anything. So I picked this up to go with it for $19.

Do you guys like to dig through junk stores for treasures?? Or do you prefer TJ Maxx?? ;) 


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Welcome back!!..?

Hi Guys!! 
It's been a while...
I think I'm ready to make this blogging a regular thing. I have so many ideas to share with you all!!
Some things to expect...
-first dance competition reflection 
-5 minute makeup challenge
-no mirror makeup challenge 
-spring look-book 2014
-any tags you want to suggest?
-vacation vlog???

And remember... I am a dancer. I know of many dance related things. If you want blogs on dance sort of things, please let me know in the comments!!!

I'm excited to share my experiences with you all!! 
