Sunday, February 15, 2015

Clothing Review: The Cherry Dollface Dress II by Steady Clothing

Hello, friends!
From a post that I made a bazillion years ago, I wrote about a gal who goes by the name Cherry Dollface on this here place called the internet.

From that, you can connect that I am very much into the vintage/pinup/rockabilly style.
That kind of deserves a whole post on its own... Hmm.

Anyway, Cherry has designed two dresses with a clothing brand called Steady Clothing.

From a glance at their website, you can see that they are your essential one-stop for reproduction-style rockabilly fashion. They have everything you need for guys and gals, including dresses, tops, skirts, shirts, shorts/pants, etc.

Now, on to the garment itself!

Here's their instagram post announcing the release of the dress, featuring Cherry as the model (duh!)
And now, a picture of me in the dress:
(enter shameless instagram plug here... @sabrinaleecupcake)

*Look: Adorable! It is kind of hard to tell in both images, but the pink-ish hue in the plaid is actually very much so red. I was surprised, but not bothered. This dress is also very wearable, and you can dress it up or down with accessories. Here, I paired it with some open-toed heels and my Mickey Mouse watch.

*Fit: Like a glove! Cherry said on both instagram and facebook that the dress fits very snug, which I was worried about. I noticed in other images of girls wearing the dress, that there was gaping in the chest area. that is something that I simply CAN NOT deal with. Once I got on the dress (size US MEDIUM) all my worries went away! It fit snug in the chest but no gaping, and comfortable in the shoulders as well. I often run into dresses that are either too tight or too loose in my shoulders, so it was a pleasant surprise.

*Quality: Superb! All of Steady Clothing's products are made in the US, which is reassuring. The fabric is high quality, the stitching is neat, and is an overall very well made, sturdy dress. Which is why I'm not going to nag too much in the next section...

*Pricing: Aaanndd the grand total for this puppy was... (drum roll).... $135.99!
Whether you think this is a good price or not, this is how I feel about it..
I've been on the edge of my seat, waiting for this dress to be released ever since she talked about it in this video. Although I thought her first dress she released with Steady Clothing was fabulous, it just wasn't right for me.
All of that though still didn't keep me from having sticker shock. I mean, for a kid who has only a tiny bit of cash flow, this was a big purchase! But it was 100% WORTH IT. I feel like a big kid now! (hahaha)
And, the first 10 people to purchase the dress got a free poster..


Overall Statement:
(done Sabrina style, of course):
This is a really freaking cute dress that is amazing quality and it was designed by someone I admire and I couldn't ask for anything better and I JUST WANNA WEAR IT EVERY DAY OK!?!?!
*clears throat*
5 Stars, Steady Clothing.
Love, Sabrina
P.S. - Thank you for the shout out on instagram from both Steady Clothing and Cherry! You guys literally made my life. kthnxbye.

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